I’d Get to the Top of the Mountain if It Would Just Stop Fucking Growing
I was a washed up, bitter ex-musician who used to have a future
It’s been five years since my last album came out. Five years. A lot can happen in a half a decade. Trust me.
I don’t even know where to begin, or what exactly I’m trying to say. But I do know that I want to at least say: I’m still here. Read more...

Available Now
BRUISES CD - $10.99
Order my new album, Bruises produced by the multi-talented Dan Heath. This album is about the ups and downs of life; your moments shining in light, and sinking in darkness. It's about experiencing your wins and losses, and about hope. Each song represents a little bit of either experience: the light or the dark.
Order my new album, Bruises produced by the multi-talented Dan Heath. This album is about the ups and downs of life; your moments shining in light, and sinking in darkness. It's about experiencing your wins and losses, and about hope. Each song represents a little bit of either experience: the light or the dark.
This pre-order comes with a watercolor poster print of the Golden Years single cover by Vil Luangraj. I’ve known Vil for over a decade, and his artwork never fails to take my breath away. We met years ago at a Meg and Dia show in Texas. I remember that night...there were only a couple people there, but we still played our hearts out, and then we got to meet a total stranger, who years later, is still a great friend. He sent this beautiful watercolor piece to me, and I asked him if he wouldn't mind if I share it with more people. The colors are beautiful pastel and really light up a room. It's simply a beautiful work of art and I have one hanging up in my living room. A humble amount of profits will go to the artist, but if you'd like to see more of Vil's work, check it out here: www.artbyagentbear.com Instagram: @agentbear . And thank you Vil, for the support and for sharing your talents!
Order my new album, Bruises produced by the multi-talented Dan Heath. This album is about the ups and downs of life; your moments shining in light, and sinking in darkness. It's about experiencing your wins and losses, and about hope. Each song represents a little bit of either experience: the light or the dark.